

Our session times are: 

Mornings–      9:00-12:00 

Afternoons–  12:00- 3:00 

All day          9:00- 3:00  

Settling into the Preschool room 

We have a flexible attitude towards settling in and we are keen to work with parents and carers. If you have any concerns about how your child may settle, please speak to a member of staff and we can discuss the best ways to support your child.   

click here to find out more  

Observations and Tapestry 

Your child will have a learning journey week every term.

We will let you know when it is your child’s turn and ask for your opinions. Staff will make detailed observations of your child and monitor their progress during their time with us. We will share this information with you by uploading the observations onto Tapestry. Shortly, you will receive login details for tapestry.  

Tapestry allows you to post things as well. It is fantastic when parents and carers post about their child because it allows us to discuss the experiences with the child and to develop any interests they have at home. You can post about anything that interests your child including family celebrations, day trips out or any achievements.  

Snacks and Lunch 

We provide a mid-morning and mid afternoon snack every day, including fruit, breadsticks, crackers or a biscuit and a choice of milk or water to drink.  

If your child is staying for lunch, please provide a named and healthy packed lunch, we will provide a drink of milk or water.  

 WARNING- We have a child who has a serious nut allergy, so we need to be a nut free zone. Please do not send in any whole nuts and check foods such as cereal bars. Thank you for your understanding.