Special Educational Needs and Disability
Laura Smith is responsible for the SEND provision at Headingley Preschool. She works closely with Parents and Carers and a range of professionals to ensure we are offering the right support for your child.
What We Do
Headingley Preschool is committed to ensuring that our setting is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children. We provide an environment in which all children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are supported to reach their full potential by ensuring we:-
• Comply with Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014).
• Have in place a clear approach for identifying, responding to, and meeting children’s SEND .
• Support and involve parents, children, actively listening to, and acting on their wishes and concerns.
• Headingley Preschool works in partnership with the local authority and other external agencies to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEN and their families.
• Headingley Preschool regularly monitor and review our policy, practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments.