Community Support
We have pulled together a directory of support, please speak to us if you are struggling we aim to help wherever we can.
Leeds Housing Options – 0113 222 4412
The service can help you with finding emergency accommodation and give you support and advice
Money and Food
Leeds City Council Welfare support – 0113 376 0330
The team can help where there is an urgent need for money , food , gas and electricity.
Healthy Start (nhs) – 0345 607 6823
The service can provide food vouchers to buy healthy food such as milk, fruit and vegetables. You can also apply online
Universal Credit
Telephone – 0800 328 5644
Remeber to always keep universal credit updated with any changes to your families circumstances.

Community Hubs
Headingley community Hub , Headingley library
The hubs can also provide emergency food vouchers, benefit support and advice. – you need to go to the reception desk and ask to make a telephone appointment. They will call you back
Domestic Abuse
Behind Closed Doors –
0113 222 4562
The service can help you by providing support and advice.
Leeds City Council Domestic Violence Service
0113 246 0401
The service offers emergency help and support. You can also report this online and speak over web chat.

SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disability
Click here to see what support we offer at our preschools
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) in Leeds.
Support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers to help with any concerns or questions.
Following an Autism diagnosis in the early years, parents
0113 3789792
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Mindwell & MIND websites:
Mindwell Leeds –– 01132494675 text 07763581853
Mind – 0330 123 3393 email info@mind, text 86463
There is some useful information via this link about corona virus & your well- being
Safe Zone
A new mental health support service for Young People in Crisis for 11 to 17 year olds in Leeds, to self-refer/Parents/Carers/or Professional. They also support Parents/Carers who are supporting young people in crisis.
The service is open every Monday, Thursday and Sunday, and due to Covid-19, support is currently offered remotely, over the telephone.
This will be a face to face service supported by taxi, once things are back to normal.
To make the referral telephone 0113 8198189.
The support service is staffed by experienced Crisis Support Workers from Leeds Survival Led Crisis Service and The Market Place, who can offer emotional and practical support.
Further information can be gained from the Leeds Survival Led Crisis Service and The Market Place websites.
If you have any questions please contact Kitty Tomsett: /Tel:01138198189.
Mental Health: New and updated resources on supporting the Nation’s Mental Health
- Supporting your mental health while working from home – Animation and fact sheet with tips on how to stay well when working remotely, including a British Sign Language version from the Royal Association for Deaf People
- Helpful links – Updated list of resources to signpost to, including latest advice from Public Health England on supporting mental health and wellbeing during this pandemic
- Address Your Stress – A toolkit for tackling stress, including simple self-care tips and a wellbeing check-up
- Empower Half Hour – 30 minute activities to boost your wellbeing during the workday
Telephone support line – COVID-19 Bereavement:
St Gemma’s bereavement team has collaborated with Wheatfield’s Hospice to set up a telephone support line for anyone in Leeds who has a family member or friend that is critically ill or who has died from Covid-19. It will be staffed by trained bereavement workers who will be able to listen and offer emotional support to callers.
This has now changed to include anyone in Leeds who has a family member or friend who is critically ill, or who has died from any illness during the Covid-19 period. This is in recognition of the fact that the restrictions on visiting, limits on funerals etc. are far-reaching and apply to any illness/death during Covid-19. The support line is staffed by trained bereavement workers and is open Monday – Friday, 9.00am-4.00pm (apart from bank holidays).
Tel: St Gemma’s hospice – 0113 218 5544 Wheatfields hospice 0113 203 3369
Children’s Centre Counselling Service (North point Well-Being):
provides free counselling for parents and carers of young children in the Leeds area. This support is available to anyone who has caring responsibility for a child aged 5 or under, or who is pregnant, or whose partner is pregnant.
The Children’s Centre counselling service continues to be available during the current time but instead of face to face the support is being offered by phone or video link. Counsellors are equipped with smartphones and have been provided with some bespoke training to help build their skills and confidence in this new way of working.
They have also being given access to some on-line support which has been specifically adapted for helping people manage concerns around coronavirus.
This is the link to the website – Children’s Centre Counselling Service .
This is the link to the Children’s Centre Counselling Service Referral Form

ACES ( Adverse Childhood experiences study) on line learning:
An online learning opportunity funded by the Home Office Early Intervention Fund. It takes around 50 minutes to complete, plus you can download a certificate if you’re able to answer 90% of the knowledge check questions at the end