Ofsted @ Meanwood Valley Preschool
Even though we have not yet been inspected at Meanwood , we are allowed to refer our families to our previous report.
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding
Staff are exceptionally skilled at producing accurate assessments, which help them to identify strengths and gaps in learning. They use these to tailor the curriculum to children’s individual needs while expertly promoting learning through play and routines. They make extremely good use of observations to plan next steps to support and help children to progress rapidly in their learning. Staff have high-quality relationships with children who have SEN and/or disabilities, and exceptional communication with other agencies. Staff expertly adapt their teaching to cater for all children, including those who have a delay in their development. For example, they skilfully and consistently use hand gestures and signing to contribute to children’s understanding, communication and language development. Children are eager to learn and benefit significantly from an excellent mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. For example, children have lots of fun outside as they make lines with pieces of wood. They ask staff for help to write a sign saying ‘keep monsters away’. While doing this older children recognise different letters, some of which are in their name.