Psychology Corner
It follows from the creativity of awareness that all types of learning aimed at enriching children’s natural abilities must be ‘taken up’ by the child’s imagination and feelings. In practice, what Alfred North Whitehead (1929) called the ‘zest for learning’ and the pleasure of sharing discovery in a creative ecology of relations implies that the discovery of new knowledge is driven by the inherent curiosity of acting in ways that are perceived as meaningful by others. It is not just passive importation of facts defined according to the presumed needs of a productive economy nor the sometimes sterile needs of a well-rounded formal education. The well-being of teachers and learners in themselves depends upon mutual affection, playful experimentation and the joy of consent in the making of meaning. Ancient knowledge is passed on, and new ways of art and industry are created with love of company and with care for fear of opposition and exclusion. These are emotions that give the mind its energy and values from the first movements and moments of life. Colwyn Trevarthen & Jaak Panksepp (2016)